Whole Body Health
Physical fitness is the attainment and maintenance of a uniformly developed body with a sound mind fully capable of naturally, easily, and satisfactorily performing our many and varied tasks with spontaneous zest and pleasure.
Whole Body Commitment
- To achieve the highest accomplishment within the scope of our capabilities in all walk of life, we must constantly strive to acquire strong, healthy bodies and develop our minds to the limit of our ability.
- Faithfully perform your Contrology exercises only four times a week for just three months... you will find your body development approaching the ideal, accompanied by renewed movement.
- Integral part of overall body functioning, increasing volume capacity, oxygenation, and other physiological changes.
- Full consistent inhalation and exhalation helps the circulatory system nourish all the tissues with oxygen rich blood while carrying away impurities and metabolic waste.
Principles of Movement
“Last year, I began experiencing awful tingling around my groin area and had no idea that it was linked to my back injury, nor the fact that my pelvic floor had anything to do with it. Once Dr. Adrianna figured out what was happening, she immediately began educating me about the pelvic floor and everything finally started to make sense. It was a huge weight off my shoulders. Her strategy to heal me was through education and strengthening. Her approach made me feel more empowered than ever, as I finally knew how to control my pain.”
-Sarah D.
“After just a month of doing what Dr. Adrianna taught me, I feel 100% stronger. I really didn’t even know what I was missing out on! Sex feels better, exercising feels better, and squatting and picking up my babies feels better!”
- Rachel R.
“I fell down some stairs almost two years ago and really injured my tailbone. It never fully healed and I was unable to do the activities I could previously do with no problem, unable to sit normally and also developed low back pain. I was in physical therapy for the low back pain with another awesome PT at another location but plateaued with the level of progress for the tail bone pain. After doing some research that pelvic PT may be the type of PT I needed to fully heal, I pursued pelvic PT and found Adrianna. Adrianna is very professional, knowledgeable, disarming and easy to talk to which is definitely needed with this type of physical therapy. After only 3 sessions, I was able to sit normally again without pain, complete sit-ups (which I hadn't been able to even complete one since the injury) and also reduce the low back pain even more. I can not express my gratitude towards this type of physical therapy being offered and more specifically, with Adrianna. I highly recommend pelvic PT with Adrianna to address any pelvic floor issues, tailbone issues or low back pain issues you may be dealing with. It's very important to go to someone highly skilled with such an invasive type of PT and Adrianna is your person for that need! Thank you Adrianna!”
- Jaime